Tag: Story

Slides Animation

This week my class were doing a Cybersmart Challenge which is about leaving a Smart Footprint basically. We had to do to a slides animation by using only 1, 2 or 3 characters in here. Mine is about astronauts capturing an alien, and they bring this alien back to the lab where the scientists can test him.  Anyways, hope you enjoy my dazzling and epic slide animation!^^

Descriptive Writing Challenge

This week we doing a Descriptive Writing Challenge, you had to pick an image to write about. I chose the 2nd slide to write about. My story is about a lady name “Mrs Poppy” who goes on a hot air balloon and I did an extra slide for my story, it’s a drawing of what Mrs Poppy look like!!

I Heard a Whisper

I heard a whisper but no-one was there

Imagine you heard a whisper but couldn’t see who had whispered. Write to narrate (tell) a story about a whisper.


  • I heard a whisper but no-one was there, I thought it was just my imagination. So I ignored and focused on my schoolwork, but as I was focusing on my schoolwork, I heard another whisper. “Mr Burt is going to get pranked” it whispered again. My eyes shot big when I heard that. I looked around the classroom, seeing if someone was messing with me. “Are you okay?” asked Kaylee. “Mr Burt is going to get pranked” I said softly. “WHAT?!” shouted Kaylee. “Kaylee, keep your voice down please” said Mrs Stone. “How do you know?” asked Kaylee, when she lowered her voice down. “Uhhhh- this might sound crazy. But the WHISPER told me” I said to Kaylee. “Who’s the Whisper?” said Kaylee. “I just gave it a name, okay Kaylee” I said. 


  • When Literacy was over, we went back to our home class and ate our Morning Tea. As we were eating our Morning Tea, Mr Burt made an announcement on the speaker. He had said “Stop look and listen, today we had an unexpected surprise in the office. It wasn’t a nice surprise, it was a bad surprise from… me. So we’re going to find who did this bad surprise and have a talk with them” said Mr Burt in the speaker. I was shocked to hear that Mr Burt got pranked. When everyone was done eating, I went to play with Kaylee & Bonnie. “Leata, Kaylee told me that you said Mr Burt got pranked” said Bonnie. “Yeah, the Whisper told me” I said to Bonnie. We walked to our usual spot at the deck. 


  • As we were talking, the Whisper said “When Marzuli was running, he slipped” it whispered. “Wait- WHAT” I shouted. *Marzuli Screaming in Pain* “What the- is that Marzuli?!” said Bonnie. Me and the girls went to Marzuli, Marzuli was just at the stairs next to Team 4. There were lots of people around him, but we got through. Miss T.A came in shock and saw what had happened. Marzuli’s left leg was a little bit twisted, so Miss T.A had to carry him. Bonnie couldn’t believe what happened to Marzuli. And so was I, the Whisper is going a bit too far with this one. After school was finished, I went home with my little sister & my mum. But when I got home, the Whisper said “The school is going to burn down” it whispered. 


  • “I’m sorry- WHAT?!” I said. “Okay, okay this got to be a dream. Mr Burt got pranked, next Marzuli fell by the stairs and NOW the school is going to burn down?!” I said so angrily. “This school is going to burn down…in 2:40” it whispered. The school was about to burn down at 2:40, if I called the firemans at about 2:37 or more. Then the school won’t burn down! But I don’t know the phone number for it. I tried to think fast, the Whisper has gone too far. What if I just go there BEFORE the school burns down. “You know what, I’m going there MYSELF rather you like it or not Whisper!” I said to myself. As I put on my shoes and ran outside. “Oi o fea e te alu i ai Leata?!” said my mum, as she went outside too with a SHOE in her hand. “SORRY MUM, I HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL NOW” I said back to my mum. I already knew I was in trouble.


  • When I got to my school, not knowing what time it was. I ran inside the school, trying to figure out where the fire is going to start. I think for a moment… then DING, I knew where the fire was going to start. The teacher’s bay was the right place, it must have an oven. I ran straight to the office, where the teacher’s bay was. The Whisper kept on saying “You’re going to run out of time”. I didn’t believe it until I see it. At the teacher’s bay, there was… Miss Moala cooking cupcakes. “What in the butter cream are you doing Miss Moala?” I asked. “Wait what? School is finished, you shouldn’t  be here” said Miss Moala. I looked at what she was doing, she was about to put the cupcakes in. “Wait Miss Moala, did you check if the oven was leaking?” I asked. “Huh what do you- Oh my, it is leaking how did you know?” said Miss Moala, backing away from the oven. “I-I just knew if it was leaking b-because I know h-how ovens work, yeah I know how ovens work” I said to her. Miss Moala nodded and called the mechanic.


  • As for me, I went home and got a huge HIDING from my mum. Man, I wonder how she is so good with a shoe. I went to bed, thinking about how I saved the day at school. Also the Whisper stopped whispering about things, maybe I stopped the whispering who’s the boss of this body. I grabbed out my diary, started to write about my crazy day that just happened. The diary is my LIFE. “What are you writing?” said my dad. “Oh just about my crazy day I had” I said, then winked.

Writing Challenge – Tik tok

One sunny day in Pt England School, a teacher named Mr Wiseman was teaching his students about the human body. While he was teaching his students, he heard a loud song across the room. All the students started to like the song but Mr Wiseman didn’t. He went to look at who was doing loud music in learning time, the music was at the Teachers Bay. So, he went inside and saw Mr Moran playing loud music in learning time. “Mr Moran…. MR MORAN!” shouted Mr Wiseman, “Oh, hey Mr Wiseman. Is there something you want?” said Mr Moran. “Yes, can you please STOP playing loud music”, “But I love this song. It’s called “I Made You Look” by Meghan Trainor and I’m doing a Tik tok dance. This dance will go viral” explained Mr Moran. “Tik tok…really?” said Mr Wiseman disappointed. Mr Wiseman really hated Tik tok because Tik tok can not be trusted. While Mr Wiseman told Mr Moran to get back to teaching, he had a really good idea for Tik tok. The next day, Mr Moran was about to do some Tik tok but it wasn’t working. “What? Why isn’t Tik tok working?” said Mr Moran. Then Mr Wiseman heard what Mr Moran said, so he went to him and showed him the news. “Breaking news, we have a complaint about Tik tok, from a man named Rob Wiseman. He said Tik tok should not be trusted because who holds your info about yourself and all that. What a good example about Tik tok, if you’re watching this kids and parents please do protect your info. Back to you Michael!” said the news. 


                                                                                      THE END

Princess Ruby: The Brave Princess

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess stuck in a tall tower, her name was Ruby. She was captured far, far away from her parents. When she was 10, an EVIL witch took her far, far away. The guards took her down but the evil witch cast a spell on her where she will be taken by the Witches Tower. The witch was gone and so was the princess, the king & queen cried everyday and hoped for her lost daughter to be found by a BRAVE knight. Ruby was stuck in the Witches Tower for 8 years. But good thing Ruby learns how to make food every year by using magic from the Witches Spell Book… “ *sign* it’s so boring, why can’t I just get out by myself” said Ruby. “I mean I have a spell book but it doesn’t have a spell to get out!!”. “ *sign* oh why, oh why does this happen to ME. Why can’t I just be a knight, not just a hopeless PRINCESS. Why don’t I just escape by myself, I don’t need a KNIGHT to rescue me at ALL” Ruby said to herself. Ruby was too angry to be in this tall tower and had to wait for a knight to rescue her. Ruby thought for a while, she has been stuck in this tower for 8 years. She was ready to do this all by herself, she can’t wait in the tower for another year!! Ruby ripped her dress short, ripped her sleeves and went on serious mode. Ruby did her game plan to get out of this tall tower, she took a look at everything in the room. Then she looked at the bed sheet, she took the bed sheet. Ripped it line by line, tied it together until it looked like a ROPE. Ruby took a look at her robe that she made, then smiled. She tied the end to the bed and threw the robe outside of the tower. Ruby looked at her robe outside , it was long enough. Then without any hesitation, she climbed down. Ruby was sure that it was high but she didn’t look down until she felt the ground. After climbing, she felt the ground so she opened her eyes. “A-am o-o-outside, am outside, AM OUTSIDE” she said excitedly. She jumped, rolled and even spined. Ruby was finally outside touching the ground after 8 YEARS. But she still had to focus on finding her parents.


While wandering around the forest, Ruby tried to find some berries because she was a little hungry after wandering. Ruby then spotted some purple berries, she ran to it and started to pick some. When she had enough, she started to eat it but then someone pushed her. Ruby took a look at who pushed her. When she took a look, a girl in a black hood hissed at her. “W-who are you?” Ruby said holding a stick, “Woah, look I just saved your life!!” said the girl. “What do you mean saved my LIFE?!” Ruby said. Then the girl picked one purple berry, “These berries are poison, one bite then your DEAD” said the girl. Ruby had apologised to the girl, “umm, my name is Ruby yours?” she said. “Cat is my name,” said the girl. “Cat, it’s so nice to meet you. Also, sorry again for scaring you”, “Ha no need to say sorry, you barely scare ME”. Cat had told Ruby that she was an orphanage child, her parents passed away, so Cat had to go to Foster Care. But she ran away from Foster Care, so now she lives in the woods. Ruby had told her everything that had happened to her, Cat was shocked to hear all that. “REALLY, you are a lost PRINCESS. And you want to go back with your parents!!” Cat said. “Yeah, I don’t need a knight to save ME. I do things all by myself and I want a new style too, I don’t like wearing the witch’s old clothes” Ruby said to Cat. Cat took Ruby to her new home. Cat had lived in a tree this whole time but her home was decorated. 


Cat looked for some stylish clothes in a pile of clothes. Ruby looked at Cat for a while until she found some clothes that were her style. Cat looked, looked and looked. Then she pulled out a green hood, she gave it to Ruby and told her that it used to be her mum until she passed away. Ruby felt bad about wearing it, but Cat insisted. So she wore it, it looked fire on her. After picking some clothes, Ruby had to continue on her mission. Cat wanted to help her find her parents, Ruby agreed Cat to help her. Soon after, Ruby had made a NEW friend after 8 years. When they were walking, Cat had a map of where her kingdom is. They had to take a boat because it was the fastest way to go. Waking will take ages, so they follow the path to the boat.


When they were here at their destination, an old man walked up to them and said “Where are you two girls going” , said the old man. “Uhhh, we’re going to C-Chlorophyta Kingdom,” said Ruby. “Chlorophyta Kingdom, ALL ABOARD” said the old man. The girls got on the boat and went off, the old man asked what their names were. “Cat and Ruby, oh what beautiful names you girls got. My name is Old Lincoln, but you can call me Captain Lincoln” he said. When they were chatting, the girls were here at Chlorophyta Kingdom. Ruby was amazed to see Chlorophyta Kingdom and her parents but before she stepped out of the boat. She got pulled out, Cat laughed at her when she was on the ground. Ruby was confused about what just happened. “C-Cat, why did you do that?” Ruby said to Cat, “WHY I DID THAT, YOU KILLED MY MOTHER. I TRICKED YOU, I LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING. WHEN I WAS LITTLE, MY MOTHER WAS KILLED IN FRONT OF ME. WHEN THE GUARDS LEFT, I RAN TO MY MOTHER. SHE SAID HER FINAL WORDS, “GET REVENGE” SO I HAVE WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR YOU TO GET OUT OF THAT TALL TOWER. BECAUSE I KNEW YOU CAN GET OUT OF THAT TOWER” Cat said. Ruby was stunt to hear ALL that. Cat had tricked Ruby this whole entire time, Ruby cried for a bit but she had to fight Cat. Cat turn into the biggest monster of all time. 


The guards were too weak to fight Cat, Ruby felt betrayed by Cat. But Ruby grabbed a sword from 3 guards and threw it at Cat. Cat roared at the guards & Ruby. The guards were blown away from the big roar but Ruby didn’t. She fought until the end. The king had come to fight for his kingdom but he saw Ruby fighting for HER kingdom. “RUBY HERE” said the king when he threw his sword to Ruby. Ruby got the king’s sword, so she ran as fast as she could then made a big jump. Ruby had cut Cat’s head with the king’s sword and said “SHE IS GONE”. Everyone clapped for her, the king ran to his long lost daughter. Then gave her the biggest hug in the world. “You’re finally HOME Ruby” said the King. Ruby’s dad cried a lot when they made it to their castle. Ruby ran to her mum when she was walking in the hall. Ruby’s mum cried so much and so did Ruby. Ruby had become the ladder of  the royal guards, after defeating Cat. And changed the history of women’s.  


                                                                                      THE END


This week I wrote a story about a BRAVE PRINCESS, I thought about writing a story on SUNDAYS (If I can). So I write story that’s in my mind, and maybe you guys have some ideas for my stories about what it should be about. If you do then comment😄 (ALSO THIS IS NOT A SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY TASK)