Head Dunk – SLJ #30

Finally… the moment I’ve been waiting for! This Kick Start activity is all about the Manu Splash. We could either create splash shapes on Google Drawings or fill a bucket with water and try to get a head dunk picture. Now, they didn’t actually specify that I had to do the head dunk myself, so I got my dear brother Filipo to do it for me instead.

I used my mum’s phone to record it, but the problem was that I couldn’t send the video to my Chromebook. So, I just took a screenshot from the video, and that worked perfectly.

My favourite part of this activity was being the one holding the phone!🤣

4 thoughts on “Head Dunk – SLJ #30

  1. Kia ora Leata,

    It’s Charlotte again, a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey. What a fantastic blog post! I can tell that you have put lots of work into this – well done.

    Ha ha, your post made me laugh! How did you convince your brother to take part in this activity? Did you need to bribe him or did he say yes on his own?

    Was the water freezing cold? Do you prefer being in hot weather or cold weather? I think I actually prefer cold weather because you can go skiing!

    Ngā Mihi Nui
    Charlotte Visser
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Talofa lava, Charlotte!

      Thank you again for your comment! I didn’t bribe my brother at all—he said yes on his own because I know how much he loves watering our backyard with my little sister. They’re almost like partners in crime, if you ask me!

      The water is indeed freezing cold; even Filipo said so himself. I actually prefer cold weather because I’ve always wanted to see snow! If it ever snowed in New Zealand, I’d start a snow fight with my siblings.

      Thanks again for your comment—I’m so glad my post made you laugh!

      – Leata.L
      P.S. Filipo prefers hot weather. 🤷

  2. Kia tino ora Leata
    You have a brave brother to put his upuko (head ) in cold water. This is is the first picture I have seen of the challenge really being done. I know you held the camera and think you should dunk your head too! I hope you enjoy the last few days of the SLJ and keep posting.
    Nā Matua Dave from Manaiakalani

    1. Talofa lava, Matua Dave!

      Thanks for leaving a lovely comment, and I did not know this was the first picture you’ve seen of the challenge. As for dunking my head, I don’t know if I could ever do that but I guess it’s about being fair🤷

      Again, thanks for commenting!

      – Leata.L

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