Tag: Summer Learning Journey

Have Fun By Leata

This week we were making a SUMMER COMIC STRIP, we had to make a SUMMER COMIC. I had made my comic and it’s called “Have Fun”. It’s about a brother, who just wants to relax but her sister wants his brother to go in the water with her. Her brother refused to go in the water, all he wants to do in the SUMMER is to relax. Hope you like this short SUMMER COMIC!!

Sign Language Song – Paradise


(SORRY but I wasn’t able to get my Screencastify video, I had to upgrade but I add a link for you to see my video. I hope the link will help you watch my video.)

This week we were doing sign language, we had to do sign language on songs. I choose the song, called “Paradise” it’s a really good song to listen. So, in this video I did my favorite part of the song. Also, I think I did great doing sign language too.

Hundertwasser Task

This week we were doing a task about Hundertwasser, we had to do a little bit about him. It was about where he was bron in, what shape he love to paint, what buildings he made at New Zealand and at the last slide we had to make an art with: lollipop trees, onion domes, raindrops and NO STRAIGHT LINE. So, here is my art and my task.