This Kick Start activity is about creating your very own water obstacle course, and I wanted to create mine on Google Drawing. As you can see, my obstacle’s main two colours are white and dark cyan—also there’s a red button that looks somewhat familiar! That button is inspired by American Ninja Warrior, where it is a celebration that a competitor has finished the course.
Another thing is that there’s three pathways you could go to—I wish to make it bigger but I wanted to used a different point of view on my course.
Anyways, would you make it out “alive”? I think I wouldn’t, last time when Team 5 were going to the pools… there was a small short obstacle that almost all the sporty kids would go on, and when I went on—I fell out of bounds TWO TIMES because I got dizzy 😔
Kia Ora Leata,
How sad that this is the final activity of the summer learning journey. I have really enjoyed all your awesome posts this summer and I hope to see you again next summer!!
This is an awesome to way to end our summer learning journey. An amazing, summer themed, outdoor obstacle course. This is extra fun for me as I love the TV show Wipeout and they have some of the coolest obstacle courses, I always thought I could win that show!! Have you been on an obstacle course before?
Your course looks awesome and I love that it is all based in or on the water!! I think I could beat it as I also was a big American Ninga Warrior fan. Is there a prize for winning?
Talofa lava, Zana!
Thanks for your lovely comment, it really is sad that this is the final activity of SLJ and it makes me happy to know you enjoy my blog posts over the summer. Unfortunately, seeing me next summer might not just happen because currently I’m already heading off to college.
Another thing, I have been in an obstacle—both land and water. I never thought much about the prize, so maybe I could buy you McDonalds after all that jumping, running, and swinging?
Thanks again for commenting!!
– Leata.L
P.S I’m heading off to McAuley, wish me luck 🤗