Shapes and Patterns Quest – SLJ #29

This Kick Start activity is all about looking for shapes and patterns, so I decided to think outside the box. Since my backyard isn’t exactly safe at the moment, I chose to use images from the internet instead. To be honest, I found this a bit challenging.

I think the hardest one was finding something that shows rotational symmetry (where it looks the same when you turn it), but I eventually figured it out in the end.

Each slide features something you might find in nature. What shapes or patterns have you discovered in the natural world? Maybe you’ve noticed them while going on a road trip or exploring the outdoors!

2 thoughts on “Shapes and Patterns Quest – SLJ #29

  1. Morena Leata,

    It’s Zana from the SLJ team here! Great to see you enjoying your last week of SLJ activities!

    Now this is a fun activity, I like seeing how different teachers make math into fun, hand on adventures and I think this is a perfect example of how that is done. Is math a subject you enjoy?

    You did an awesome job completing this activity, some of the shapes and patterns you found are very cool. Did you use all online images or are some of these photos? My favourite shape of yours is your cool numbered pebbles.

    What shapes did you find the easiest and most difficult to find?

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Talofa lava, Zana!

      Thank you for your kind message! I’ve really enjoyed the SLJ activities this week—they’ve been heaps of fun.

      Maths is a subject I like sometimes, especially when it’s hands-on like this. It’s cool to see how maths connects to the world around us.

      For the activity, I used only online images. The numbered pebbles are my favourite too—I’m glad you liked them! The easiest shapes to find were circles and rectangles because they’re everywhere, but the hardest were the 3D shapes like sphere.

      Thanks again for your support!

      – Leata.L

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