Submarine Fun – SLJ #27

Here’s the Kick Start activity about submarines! We had the option to either draw a submarine on paper, colour one online, or use Google Drawing. I chose to colour in a submarine online because it’s pretty easy to use, but the challenging part was doing it on my Chromebook.

If you didn’t know, or maybe you did, digital artists often get neck pain, back pain, hand pain, or sore eyes from staring at the screen for too long. For me, it’s hand pain. I make sure not to lean too far forward towards my screen, like I sometimes do with my TV.

Anyway, it was still fun, and you can colour in one too by clicking this!


Periscope 🪞 -> Submarines use a periscope to see above the water while staying hidden below the surface. It works like a telescope with mirrors or prisms to reflect light, letting the crew spot ships, land, or even enemies without surfacing!

Ballast Tanks ⚖️ -> These tanks are the secret behind how submarines dive and float. When filled with water, the submarine sinks, and when filled with air, it rises. It’s like a super high-tech way of holding its breath! 🌬️💦

Propellers 🚀 -> Submarines have special propellers (or screws) at the back to push them through water quietly. Their unique design keeps the submarine stealthy, so it can sneak around undetected. 🤫🔊


8 thoughts on “Submarine Fun – SLJ #27

  1. Hey Leata

    It’s me Ailish from Hornby Primary! I have read your blog post and saw that you did the Submarine Kick start. I have also done that one and I get it when you are saying that it was hard to do on Chromebook because I also had to struggle lots. Anyways I really like your submarine, but mostly I like the colors you have done.

    Ailish signing off!

    1. Talofa lava, Ailish!

      Thanks for your comment! That’s awesome that you’ve also done the Submarine Kick Start. It’s good to know someone else found it tricky on a Chromebook too—I thought it was just me!

      I’m glad you like the colours I chose for my submarine. What colours did you use for yours? It’s always cool to hear how others approached the same project.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

      – Leata.L

  2. Tena Koe Leata,

    My name is Hayley. I go to Koputaroa School.

    I really like your submarine, I can totally relate to getting a sore hand when using a Chromebook. I hate when that happens!

    I think it’s really cool that you took the time to learn three facts about submarines.
    I personally found the second fact super interesting. Using the example of a really high-tech way of holding it’s breathe – brilliant.

    – Hayley.E

    1. Talofa lava, Hayley!

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you liked my submarine. It’s always nice to know someone else relates to the Chromebook sore-hand struggle—it can be so annoying!

      I’m really happy you enjoyed the submarine facts, especially the second one. I thought the “high-tech way of holding its breath” was a fun way to explain it too.

      Thanks for taking the time to reply—I appreciate it!

      – Leata.L

  3. Kia Ora Leata,

    This is Zana from the SLJ commenting team, I am loving all your posts this summer.

    I know I say it every time but… what an awesome activity!! I am a big war history nerd so I love to teach and learn about different submarines. My favourite is the Nuclear-powered attack submarines because of their interesting design.

    You did an awesome job with this activity, you introduced it well, shared a very interesting fact and your design looks great. My favourite part is definitely the periscope used for searching. What would you use your submarine for? Ocean exploration, travel or something else?

    Zana Yates

    1. Talofa lava, Zana!

      Thank you for your kind comment! I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts. It’s awesome that you’re a war history nerd – submarines are definitely fascinating to learn about. Nuclear-powered attack submarines sound really cool, especially because of their design.

      I’m happy you liked my activity and the periscope fact! I think I would use my submarine for ocean exploration. It would be amazing to discover new marine species and explore shipwrecks. What about you? If you had a submarine, what would you use it for?

      – Leata.L

      1. Hi Leata,

        What a beautifully written comment. You are very good at leaving thoughtful, helpful and positive comments in response to all your readers!

        I would definitely use my submarine for exploration as well, I would love to be able to explore the deeper parts of the ocean that are almost unexplored.

        Have you spent much time on the ocean? In boats or swimming?

        – Zana

        1. Talofa lava again, Zana!

          I’m very happy to know that my comments are thoughtful, helpful, and positive. Awesome to know you’d also use your submarine for exploration too, and as for spending time on the ocean!

          I rarely go there, but I have been in many ferries like going from Upolu to Savai’i. I also try to get over my thalassophobia (fear of the deep ocean) in order to explore more in the ocean.

          Thanks again for replying! Hope to see more comments from you <3

          – Leata.L

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