Month: August 2023

A Brush with the Dark Side

This week we are learning about using the correct sentence structure, we had to read a story called “A Brush with the Dark Side”. We read the whole story, than answer some questions that are about what happen in the story, the characters, highlighting the independent clause & dependent clause and writing sentences!

Working Collabortively in a Doc

This week we were learning about “Collaborative Google Docs”, we had to work COLLABORATIVELY in a google doc. First, I had to share this doc to my partner “Veylyn” and my teacher “Mr Moran”. Then, me and  Veylyn had to do these task in the google doc! we did tic toc toe (I won all of the rounds) and wrote a story! but me and Veylyn had to write one word at a time. Our story is about three little girls that discovered a dead body, this is kind of a horror story.

Doing the Right Thing on Google Meet

This week we are learning about doing the right thing in Google Meet, we had to correct the right names for the tools in Google Meet, list 3 things the people are doing right, which background is the best? and add a picture of me doing the right thing in Google Meet. I also have learnt all the tools in Google Meet! I may have forgot the names of the tools, but I got my memory back when my class watched the video.

Awesome Angles

This week we are learning about angles! me and my maths group “Milwaukee Bucks”, are learning to identify how many degrees are in various angles and lines. We first watched a video called “The Angles Song”, it showed us many other angles, like: Acute angle, Straight angle, Obtuse angle, Right angle and Reflex angle. Then we get started with our slides! On slide 3, we had to work out what the missing angles are and that they are NOT drawn to scale, so don’t measure. When we have answered all the missing angles correctly, we then had to make a poster of how you can teach a Year 4 about angles!

Personification in Poetry

This week we are learning about Personification in Poetry! Personification is when you make an object or idea do something only a human can do. So in the 3rd slide, there are following statements and it’s our job to write the meaning to it. On slide 4, there is a poem about “The Rose That Grew From Concrete” by Tupac Shakur. Then on slide 5, we answer some questions that are about: What is the poem about? What is an example of personification in the poem? and what or who could the poem actually be about?


Weight affects the body

This week we are learning about “obesity”, me and my class had to do this slide. There is 3 slides, the 2nd slide is a video about “Why is Bodyweight Important?”, we all watched it as a class. Then the other 2 slides were questions about what obese means? how does it affect a person’s physical health? and what we need to do to maintain a healthy weight!

Sense Making

This week we were learning about “Sense Making”, we had to write what we infer and see in the picture. In the 2nd slide, there are 2 pictures and that we had to write what we see and infer! In the 3rd, 4th and 5th slide are about writing about what our statement is or what we infer in the passage or what the conclusion is about. Also in the 6th slide, there was an error in the slide, the link to the book was not working. So, there is nothing in the 6th slide!